Leyla BOB-GCAC-BIS clubshow with Bernese , judge Eythan Hendel
Her daughters Yama Kala and Yama Karisma both Exc' Kala was

Leyla BOB-CACIB-GCAC at international show by Dr Tsafra Zirik
Leyla's daughter Yama Karisma VP-BP

Leyla BOB-CAC-CACIB at International show by judge Yochay Barak/She is now ISRAELI CHAMPION
Her 2 daughters both got VP- Yama Karisma was first , Yama Kala second

Souly had 3 puppies by Adam Black Koralle : 3 males

Leyla had 2 beautiful female puppies both white/black, from Vertigo Utoo !

Leyla BOB-BIS -CAC at clubshow by judge Agnes Gnami-Kerthes

Leyla BOS-CAC-CACIB at International show by judge Dr Tsafra Zirik

Leyla BOB-BIS at clubshow by judge Ethan Hendel

Souly gave birth to 6 nice puppies by Adam Black Koralle : 1 boy 5 girls

Layla came to join us : I brought her from Twillingate, Belgium, at the age of 18 months.

The puppies at 1 week

Souly gave birth to 8 lovely puppies:
3 black boys, 3 black girls and 2 whit-black girls !

The pregnancy test on Souly is positive!
So we are expecting puppies towards our Independance day !

Hopeful news !
Souly has been bred to Yama Einstein on february 18 and february 20.
We hope for some nice puppies soon !

At the International show in Beer Sheva , Daisy was judged by Mr.Eithan Hendel ,
got BOB and CACIB - she is the first "bred-by-Yama" to get a CACIB title !
So it was a good day for Yama Newfoundlands (even though she was the only Newfy in the show).

We welcome VERTIGO UPHOLDMYSOUL or SOULY, the lovely littermate of our beloved Ursa.
I brought her from Italy and I am ever so grateful to Mrs.Beatrice Schiatti
their breeder in Merate, a truly wonderful lady !
Souly is a sweet and lovely girl and we already love her dearly!

Lucky did not get along in our family and regretfully he had to return to his owner.

We lost our sweet little Ursa ,
she managed to swallow some horrible poison on our morning walk and we were not able to save her .
She was so young and full of life....so sad !

We welcome a newcomer at Yama Newfoundlands : THICKISH NEWFOUNDLAND KINGFISCHER.
Hoping he will start a great showcareer as soon as his coat will be complete
(his previous owner kept him shaven ). See his link in the my dogs section.
Visit the breeders website and see his brothers and sister John,
Knock and Violetta at http://www.thickishnewfs.com/web/indexin.htm
Thank you to Ariel his previous owner for entrusting him to me .

At the clubshow on 18/3/2006 judged by Mrs.Natalya Nekrosiene ,
Yama Einstein owned by Dudi Zilberbaum received his third CAC and is now Isr.Champion.
Congratulations , he is our third Yama-born Champion !

At the clubshow on 30/12/2006 , judged by Mr. Franscisco Salvador Janeiro from Portugal,
our Yamas Daisy for Skippy was BB and received her third CAC so she is now Isr. Champion !
Mazel Tov to the second Yama-born Champion !

At the club show in Kibutz Givat Haim Meuhad on october 29 ,2005,
Yama Beauty In The Beast "LA BELLE" was CW in open class, BF and BOB .
This was her third CAC title so she is now Israeli Champion.
She is the first Yama-born Israeli champion.
URSA was class winner with Excellent score in Junior class.
Yama Einstein was Best junior.

On may 16, 2005 Vertigo Ursa arrived at Yama-Newfoundlands

We have lost our dear Jubilee.
I will never forget her, and the many happy hours we spent together.
She can never be replaced.

Devastatingly sad news: my beautiful ,
beloved Jubilee has been diagnosed with bloodcancer ,
of the very agressive type.

At the clubshow in moshav Galia,
Yama Beauty in the Beast (La Belle) was BOB, received her first CAC and was placed second BIS.

At the clubshow in Givat Haim , under the canadian judge Mr. Skip Stanbridge,
Yamas Daisy for Skippy was BOB and BIS and received her second CAC.

At the clubshow in Givat Haim , under judge Mrs. Nouisianen from Finland,
Yamas Daisy for Skippy was BOB and BIS and received her first CAC.

At the international dogshow in Mayan Harod ,
Kissy was BOB , received his fourth CACIB and thus is now international champion.
He was also placed second in FCI group by the judge Dr. Rita Training.

Kissy and Jubilee have four puppies, three boys and one girl.

At the International all-breed Show on saturday 8 may 2004 at Mayan Harod,
Yama's Daisy for Skippy got an excellent judge-report , a Very Promising Puppy
scoreand Best Puppy in Breed.
Her brother Yama Skippyson Dosh came second ' also with Very Promising.
Kissy (Oolum's Kissing Face at Yama) was BOB and also Second Best in FCI Group 2.
He received his third CACIB .

At the clubshow in Kibutz Givat Haim Meuhad on febr.14 , 2004
Yamas Daisy won "Best Puppy in Breed" and "Best Puppy in Show".
Yama Darling was second and also got a "Very Promising" score.

Yama Skip to my Darling has gone to live with
co-owners in Puria-Elite, just a few kilometers from here.
They already love her very much.

More very sad news:
Yama Blue favourite - BLUE, died of bloat.
He washed rushed to emergency operation but did not recover.
He was co-owned with a friend in Kibutz Kfar Haruv.
He was a beautiful male with a superb temperament .

Sad news:
On november 22, 2003 we had to let Lady Dee to sleep forever.
She was in too much pain.
Thank you dear Dee for the almost 11 years we enjoyed your company.

A great day at Yama Newfoundlands!
On august 26th ,2003, Jubilee gave birth to one male and two female puppies
out of SKIPPY - Midnight Lady's Especially for You.
This is my D-litter.

- Good news ! Jubilee is pregnant. Last month she spent 5 days at Skipper's
Kennel in Hungary to be bred to SKIPPY - Midnight Lady's Especially for You.
She is expecting her litter at the end of august.
Skippy can be admired on the website: http://www.skippers.hu

Miri was elected as secretary of the Israel Club for Saint-Bernards
and Newfoundlands, also as member of the breeding-advice committee.

YAMA BABY DOLL'S hipscore is "C".

At the club-show held in Kibbutz Mayan Harod, YAMA BONLOUIS
was BOB and received his first C.A.C.
His brother Biaggi was second with res. C.A.C.

More good news: YAMA BEAUTY IN THE BEAST (La Belle) 's
hipscore is "A".

At the International show in Kibutz Mayan Harod on october 19, 2002,
the Best Male and Best of Breed was YAMA BIAGGI !
His sister YAMA BEAUTY IN THE BEAST (La Belle) got an Excellent score.

More news: Biaggi received the "B" score for hipdysplasia.

On october the first 2002,
we received the wonderful news that " BLUE " received the excellent hipscore :A !!!